ART OF FERMENTATION by Sandor Ellix Katz

by: Chelsea Green

It’s so great to be able to offer this at a reduced price – one of the best food books ever written. Michael Pollan hits it on the head in his foreword: “Why [is] The Art of Fermentation different? For one thing, Sandor Katz writes about the transformative power of fermentation with such infectious enthusiasm that he makes you want to try things just to see what happens.” It literally tells you everything you need to know about fermentation (with colour pictures!) including of course kimchee, kefir and kombucha, but also covering salami, cheese and figs, for example. Over recent months people have got more and more into these domestic food projects, and here it all is in one place, conveyed clearly and with boundless enthusiasm. There are also many pages of resources and references.

528pp, 249 x 192 mm, Hardback, 2012, RRP £30.00

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