What is The Mystery Experience? Traditionally described as 'spiritual awakening' or 'enlightenment', it spontaneously arises when we become conscious of the breathtaking mystery of existence. Tim Freke has spent his life exploring the mystery experience and in this book, he guides you directly to it. Refreshingly funny, down-to-earth and authentic, this book makes the awakened state available to all. Tim is a recognized authority on Gnosticism and the ancient Mystery Schools, and what he does in this book is to bring the age-old perennial wisdom of the mystery teachings right into the 21st century in a form which is immediately accessible and complements the discoveries of modern science. The result is a compelling kaleidoscope of inspiring ideas, embracing quantum physics, the Tao, Advaita, meditation, Buddhism, Walt Whitman, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung and Jah Wobble. Tim is critical of out-dated spiritual teachings, which he discusses with his imaginary philosophical sparring partner 'Swami Blandananda', and he engages in fascinating 'posthumous conversations' about life with scientific visionaries such as Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr. Wherever you ªÆre coming from, you ªÆll find this book rewarding and - yes - enlightening! 320pp, 132mm x 216mm, Paperback, 2012 Read an extract.
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Eminent neurosurgeon Dr Eben Alexander always considered himself a man of science. His unwavering belief in evidence-based medicine fuelled a career in some of the top institutions in the world. But all this was set to change. One morning in 2008 he fell into a coma after suffering a rare form of bacterial meningitis. Scans of his brain revealed massive damage. He was not expected to survive. As his family prepared themselves for the worst, something miraculous happened. Dr Alexander's brain went from near total inactivity to awakening. He woke a changed man, certain of the infinite reach of the soul, certain of life beyond death. In Proof of Heaven Dr Alexander shares his experience, pieced together from notes he made as soon as he was able to write again. Unlike many other accounts of near-death experiences, he is able to explain why his brain was incapable of fabricating his journey into the afterlife. And that is what makes this book an absolute must-read!
This is a wonderful book full of the wisdom and insight of the Buddha's words. These key teachings are as pertinent now as they were over 2500 years ago. It is a must-have book for anyone interested in Buddhism, and is written in a simple style that everyone will easily understand. I love the beautiful style of the cover; it will have pride of place on any bookshelf.
This has been a consistent bestseller since 1994 and is celebrated for introducing the concept of life between lives, meaning what happens to souls in between one life on earth ending and another one starting. Newton, a trained hypnotherapist, was able to gather these accounts via regression, and they form a fascinating narrative. In reading them, we learn many lessons on how to live our lives on this plane, how not to create difficult karma and what sorts of lives we might end up experiencing next. He went on to write three more popular titles on this fascinating subject.
What might it be like to survive death? What should we expect in the afterlife, and can we prepare for it? Life Beyond Death is a positive and engaging journey through the possibilities of the afterlife, in which psychologist David Fontana examines accounts of near-death and out-of-body experiences. Exploring human consciousness, the non-physical nature of mind - 'subtle' bodies, astral, mental and emotional - he considers whether memory, emotions and personality characteristics may remain alive beyond our physical death. He finds remarkable similarities between near-death experiences, reports of apparitions and hauntings, and the recollections of mediums; and also in the spiritual traditions of many cultures, including beliefs associated with reincarnation and paradise. Drawing on his own extensive researches into the paranormal, Life Beyond Death builds a compelling and comforting case for the reality of survival at the moment of passing, and beyond. 220pp, 135mm x 215mm, Paperback, 2009
Julian of Norwich (c.1342 after 1416) was the first woman writer in English. Nothing is known of her background or even her real name. On 8th May 1373, when seriously ill and apparently dying, she received an extraordinary series of 'showings', or revelations from God. After her miraculous recovery, she spent many years pondering the significance of the showings, which she believed were messages for everyone. They taught, among other things, that God is our mother as well as our father, that he cannot be angry with us, and that no one will be damned - doctrines which Julian had great difficulty in reconciling with the church's teachings. The beauty and originality of her writings are as fresh as if they were written yesterday. How wonderful, still to be able to study at the feet of a renowned mystic and spiritual adviser who lived more than 600 years ago!