

by: Judy Hall

There is no shortage of books about crystals, some of which offer advanced
knowledge. But this is aimed at the complete beginner, starting out with how
to find your first crystal. Perhaps it is chosen because it looks pretty, maybe
you need protection and relaxation, an improved ability to meditate or
guidance to the mystical. Trust that the right crystal will find you. Crystals
come from deep in the earth and are then cut to all sorts of shapes. The way
they split light varies their colour, and a collection of crystals forms an
extended rainbow. They each have an energy field which interacts with other
fields, particularly the human body and brain, and crystals have a particular
resonance with the aura and chakras. A simple but comprehensive guide from
an internationally recognised expert.

272pp, 130 x 196 mm, Paperback, 2018

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