by: Caroline Mitchell

Caroline first started encountering dragons in 2005. They are multidimensional beings that work with our guardian angels to create a new phase in the earth’s spiritual awakening. This deck portrays 33 dragons which are depicted as creatures in various metallic and jewel-like colours, brightly-lit and fierce. There are four clans of dragon: Earth Walk, Galactic, Grand Master and Guardian. They have names like Orbran, the Avebury Matriarch and Grace. We can use the cards and then the booklet to connect with the dragon that is best for us and that energy will guide and accompany us on our spiritual path. You can also use a card for daily guidance, or place them in spreads (guidance is given) to help you plan or get a sense of the week, month or year ahead.

148pp, 33 cards, Boxed Set, 2020, RRP £16.99


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