MIRACULOUS ABUNDANCE by Perrine and Charles Herve-Gruyer

by: Perrine and Charles Herve-Gruyer

Charles and Perrine, having travelled the world and gained many insights into right livelihood from indigenous people, decide to settle down and live a simple, rural existence growing food on their smallholding in Normandy with no previous experience. At first their parched and unfertile plot is challenging but, trawling the internet, they discover permaculture. It helps them design not only a growing system but their lifestyles, giving them a framework of ethics, principles and techniques. They experiment with forest gardening, biointensive methods, composting, and four-seasons growing under cover. The results are astonishing. Their productive micro-farm provides food for the family and local people, and becomes a research and training centre. After a three year study, they concludes that just one quarter of an acre with 42 per cent under a polytunnel can keep one full time market gardener under gainful employment. Their book is part story, and part practical permaculture in action, full of gems of information. It is already a best-seller and I highly recommend it if you are seeking a new life nearer the soil!

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