by: J M Harrison

Naked Being, says J M Harrison, is the founding truth of our existence, the undisturbed nature of reality seen through the transparent unconditioned pure mind. It is the realisation of original peace, the experiencing of clearest consciousness, the essence of what you are. Naked Being is about coming home to the formless heart of what you are: the recognition and realisation of your true nature, the simple truth of what you are - here and now in this very moment. In a fusion of mainstream spirituality, esoteric oneness and advaita or non-duality, Harrison compiles a collection of illuminating texts that evoke a deep remembrance of our essential 'true' nature and sacred sense of 'home'. Pause between each insight, take time to absorb and reflect, and enter the experience of present moment awareness, the Now.
142pp, 139mm x 218mm, Paperback, 2010

NAKED BEING has been nominated as an Award-Winning Finalist in the Spirituality category of the Best Books 2010 Awards, sponsored by USA Book News

To read an extract from this book, please click here. 

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