Nature and Ecology



by: Polly Ghazi

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Did you know? Every second, human beings shovel another 700 tonnes of greenhouse gases into the overloaded atmosphere - enough to fill 140 Olympic swimming pools. The Low Carbon Diet is for all those who really want to save the planet but are not sure how their own actions as individuals could really be significant. It provides an easy-to-follow programme for individuals and families to cut down the carbon calories they consume at home, on the road and at play. If you try only one diet this year, make it this one! No preaching, no doom-mongering, just practical, achievable everyday actions that can make all the difference - to your carbon weight, bank balance and fitness level..... not to mention the health of the only planet we have.
222pp, 183mm x 220mm, illus. in colour, Paperback, 2007

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