by: Julie Lusk

Yoga Nidra is a practice that’s done lying down, and it is designed to help you with a wide range of issues including anxiety, inability to concentrate and chronic pain. There have been a few books recently on the subject, and it’s become quite fashionable, but Julie Lusk is a teacher with 35 years’ experience and this book includes meditations by twelve of the greatest teachers including Swami Satchidananda and Swami Shankardev Saraswati. Julie gives advice about which meditation to use in which circumstances, plus there are appendices on the chakras and on the different brain wave patterns associated with each meditation. This can be used as an introductory book but it goes so much deeper than most. I find Yoga Nidra immensely helpful with getting good sleep and I know I am going to be referring to this book for a long time.

312pp, 227 x 179 mm, Paperback, 2021, RRP £17.99


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