HEAL YOUR MIND by Mona Lisa Schulz and Louise Hay

by: Mona Lisa Schulz and Louise Hay

Louise Hay has long been a leading name in the field of personal growth and self-healing. She says she has always relied on her ‘inner ding’ to create and develop ideas that have inspired millions. Now in partnership with Dr Schulz they examine the science and medicine behind Louise Hay’s work, in this case looking at mental wellness. Depression is a major problem in the world and affirmations have been shown to be very beneficial, but infections, allergies, digestive and hormone problems can also underlie depressive cycles, as they can in cases of anxiety, addiction, learning disorders and memory loss. This joining together of sound advice on care of the body, including supplements and good nutrition, together with appropriate affirmations, provides a comprehensive mind body manual, including extensive charts on thought patterns linked to specific medical conditions in the style we have come to expect in Louise Hay’s books.

384pp, 229 x 152 mm, 2016