

MUSIC OF THE DIVINE SPHERES by Alexander Milovanov

by: Alexander Milovanov

This book is one to linger over, because the author is sharing with us not only his discoveries of how the ancients viewed the structure of our consciousness, but also the rediscovered ancient knowledge of how to raise human consciousness to higher levels, and the multiple uses of sacred geometry as applied by the ancients. It includes a revelation of the amazing laws of nature underlying the structures of space and consciousness, the main secrets of the Egyptian pyramids, and the true meaning of the ancient symbols such as the Flower of Life, the Seed of Life and more. It’s a lot of information, but fascinating and exciting. It has a foreword by the legendary Bob Frissell who says the book “...makes a significant contribution to the great awakening that is currently unfolding on a global scale.”

224pp, 217 x 140 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £15.99