by: Ross Heaven

San Pedro, a healing and visionary brew derived from the 'cactus of vision' , Trichocereus pachanoi, is one of Peru' s most important and powerful shamanic teacher plants. Ross Heaven, a shamanic healer, explains how, for thousands of years, this brew has been drunk by spiritual seekers and those in need of healing. By taking us back to source, reconnecting to our pure consciousness, it is possible to discover and heal the origins of problems and illnesses. It has helped to cure a wide variety of physical problems, including cancer, diabetes, paralysis, and pneumonia, as well as emotional and psychological issues such as alcoholism, heartbreak, and grief. Ross looks at both healing and ceremonial usage, and presents interviews and case studies from shamans and participants, who offer stories of cures and spiritual insights. This is the first book written about the shamanic use of San Pedro.
240pp, 132mm x 214mm, Paperback, 2009

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