by: Julia Cameron

People think of prosperity as a financial bottom line. 'When I have X amount of money, I will feel better.' The truth is that prosperity is a spiritual bottom line, and the formula should actually be, 'When I have X amount of faith, I will feel better.' In this wise book, Julia Cameron provides a 12-week programme of exercises and guidance to enable you to clarify and deepen your awareness of a 'benevolent something', that takes care of all your needs, guarding and guiding you in the direction of good no matter what amount of money you may have at your disposal. She helps you to look candidly at your financial situation, and realise that financial shortages often exist because life is inviting you to change. By the time you reach the end of the book you will have a far stronger sense that whatever you have, it is 'enough', that you are forever safe, and that all your needs are met. And surely, isn't this awareness the essential first step to abundance in all its forms?