by: Byron Katie

Would you like to reach new and profound understandings about your life? Replace pain with laughter and joy? Exchange depression for a lightness of being? Find freedom? If your answer is `Yes', Loving What Is explains how using just four questions can change your life for ever. When applied to different emotional, mental or physical difficulties, these four questions can awaken peaceful, even ecstatic feelings, and radically alter your perspective. Byron Katie has known great pain and suffering in her life. In highly unusual circumstances she awakened one morning to a sudden and dramatic shift in awareness, which brought her an inner clarity. Since then she has been travelling the world demonstrating the value and simplicity of these four questions, and how they `work'. In Loving What Is she shows you how to understand and befriend your mind, rather than attempt to change it. The result is that you can be who you really are, in your own skin, comfortable with reality and able to love yourself.
'In Loving What Is we discover a beautiful truth - that everything is an opportunity for love, everything is an opportunity for us to love. A name for 'the place where everything is an opportunity for love,' is heaven. So we are all in heaven now. When I forget where I am, I forget to love. When I forget to love, I forget where I am. In Loving What Is Byron Katie gives us a handful of questions for discovering a beautiful truth.'

Tim Richardson, Cygnus Member
258pp, 152mm x 232mm, Paperback, 2002

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