Cygnus Star Titles




THINK INDIGENOUS by Doug Good Feather

by: Doug Good Feather

There has always been a lot of interest in Native American spiritual beliefs on the part of westerners. Partly I think because of the voices that came through in White Eagle and other channeled beings and partly because it’s always been recognized to be close to the earth and nature, and free from establishment rigidity. The author of this book is Native American and these teachings, which are the result of a Vision Quest he went on, are meant to be shared with people from all cultures. His vision is known as the Butterfly Prophecy and it shares characteristics with many other visions right now. It says that Grandmother Earth is bringing balance to the damage humanity has done, that elders of all beliefs are working together to heal and raise humanity’s vibration and people of all backgrounds can come together to share this work. It’s a profound and refreshing book. 

176pp, 216 x 135 mm, Paperback, 2021, RRP £12.99

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