UNTETHERED SOUL by Michael Singer

by: Michael Singer

This modern classic came out quite a few years ago, and has built to become one of the most influential books in the spiritual development field. Our members have been clamouring for quite some time for us to include this in the Review, so here it is! What makes it a New York Times bestseller? There’s a great quote from Deepak Chopra on the front cover. But it’s something about the feel of the text. It’s like Satsang, like sitting with a spiritual master as they gently discourse across the course of a spiritual retreat. There’s something special about it: it doesn’t deal in high concepts but after a few chapters it dawns on you that you have learned something without being especially aware of the process. It comes from a deep place of spiritual wisdom.

200pp, 228 x 154 mm, Paperback, 2007

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