by: Neale Donald Walsch

Change is now accelerating around us and within us so rapidly, that what is needed, decided Neale Donald Walsch, is a guidebook for us as we face these dramatic shifts in life. The rate of change will not reverse, so he shows why it happens, how we can live more effectively with it, changing our reaction to change, so that it no longer equals crisis. By following his ways of altering your emotions and perception, you will thrive in life's challenging times. This timely book is equally relevant for those already finding themselves dealing with tough times, and for those seeking further personal development in these times of rapid transition, and is a must for all NDW fans, too. 304pp, 133mm x 214mm, Paperback, 2010, RRP: 11.99 Code: 200205 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy: 6.75, 2 or more copies: 6.25 each

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