
WILDER JOURNEYS edited by Laurie King and Miriam Lancewood

by: Laurie King

This lovely book brings together a collection of true stories from around the world, from the Outback to the Highlands of Scotland, written by nomads, adventurers and nature lovers. The common themes are of challenge, redemption and transformation plus the power of nature to heal and the realisation that we have lost touch with it so badly. When reading the accounts, it’s hard not to be inspired, and, even if you don’t feel like leaving the central heating behind to live in a forest, you definitely will want to go outside and reconnect with the nature that surrounds us, even, or especially, those of us who live in towns and cities. With beautiful illustrations and contributions from leading poets, this book is really hard to resist.

224pp, 216 x 135 mm, Hardback, 2023

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