by: Dennis Moeck

This deck is a bit different because, even though it is quite rightly called an Oracle Deck, each card does actually contain a wealth of information on the plant it’s covering. So there’s no attempt to make the card anonymous and instead if you wanted to choose one at random, you would have to look the other way while you were picking it. Plants covered include most of the favourites - Basil, Ginger, Patchouli and Cedarwood, for example. Every one of course is one that can be made into an essential oil. One side shows an uplifting message and on the other is an affirmation along with a bit of history, information on usage and a few words on the effects. The illustrations are very child-like and not to everyone’s taste but they are very spiritual.

40 cards and 16-page booklet, 2023, RRP £14.99


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