
LEARNING TO LOVE by Eileen Caddy and David Earl Platts

Eileen Caddy’s timeless classic Learning To Love is a step-by-step guide to
choosing to love ourselves and others. In this newly revised edition, Caddy’s
principles ring as true as ever as she teaches us to make the decision to
accept and respect ourselves and choose to remove the barriers in our hearts
and lives that disrupt love’s natural flow. Caddy was the co-founder of the
Findhorn Foundation and spent 50 years listening to and sharing her inner
guidance with others. Learning To Love sets out her principles of loving in a
clear and measured tone as it guides you through exercises, meditations, and
visualizations to help you examine your inner world and make real life
changes. It is a profoundly insightful book and can help you find or grow your
definition of love with confidence and joy.

128pp, 152 x 228 mm, Paperback, 2018 

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