

by: David Gaggin

The author has always been gripped by the eternal existential questions that a lot of us ask: Who Are We? Where Are We? and Why Are We Here? He became dissatisfied with the answers that were offered by mainstream science and philosophy so he turned to the cosmic voices - the channelled voices, the psychics and the remote viewers, for example. He sought out the messages and viewpoints that were consistent and he then sums it up in this book. It’s ambitious but not daunting and overall it’s a great overview of the esoteric and metaphysical worldview. One of the endorsers calls it an “encyclopedia of spirituality”. It’s not anecdotal or full of personal accounts but it’s very interesting and we can quite happily disagree with aspects of it if it means we get clarification on how the world might really be.

312pp, 217 x 140 mm, Paperback, 2023, RRP £19.99

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