WAKE THE F*CK UP by Brett Moran
by: Brett Moran
This is an important book. This is a voice hat needs to be heard. If you think you need to knuckle down, if you can feel that your bliss is just around the corner but still out of reach, this is the book for you. Brett was in prison and about to do a drug deal, when he stumbled upon a book of meditation in the library there. Not many of us experience such a dramatic turning point, but on the other hand it might not be drugs that are holding us back. Brett has the sense and good grace not to call drugs bad, but the brief pleasure they give just won’t get you there, just isn’t enough. We all have our own self-destructive habits and negative tendencies; Brett shares the techniques he used to make his life more fulfilling, and his story will inspire you to do the same.
Paperback, 192pp, 2016