Cygnus Star Titles



YOUR VIVID LIFE by Shayne Traviss

by: Shayne Traviss

Shayne Traviss is a fascinating man. He took the leap that many nine-to-fivers often dream of – escaping the rat race and discovering who you are. Armed with only a laptop, Shayne did just that, founded and wrote a book to help others. Split into three parts – Stop Looking Outside, Questioning and Authenticity – his steps are simple, methodical and a pleasure to follow. While what he’s saying may not be new, the way he goes about it is fresh and systematic without ever being condescending. He knows how hard shutting out the noise of everyday life is, because he’s been there, done that, and wrote a book about it. 

208 pp, 216 x 136 mm, Paperback, 2019

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